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Masonry classroom construction

The "Marie Mère de l'Amour" school complex was built in 2013 in Buhozi Ihimbi-Katana, South Kivu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Six girls have embarked on this project with the aim of allowing schooling for children from the poorest families, orphans of parents killed during the numerous wars afflicting Congo, children born from rapes and abandoned on the streets by their parents.
Even today the main objective of this school is to provide education to girls and boys of different social strata, without distinction and without discrimination, in order to fight illiteracy and get children off the street.


Democratic Republic of the Congo
Province of Sud-Kivu
Territoire de Kabare
Village de B

Mobile coordinator: +243 998 741 766

The Democratic Republic of Congo is an African country that has experienced many wars since its independence. This has had a major impact on the social and economic life of the population, two-thirds of whom live in poverty. This situation has prevented many children from accessing education due to the inability to pay school fees; the "Mary Mother of Love School Complex" is aimed precisely at these children who otherwise would not have the possibility  to receive even a basic education.
The buildings were constructed with sheet metal walls and wooden posts fixed into the ground. Despite the precarious housing situation, parents and children have found some relief from their suffering and a starting point to aspire to an adequate education.


Over the years the structure has begun to sag and is currently on the verge of collapse.
It is for this reason that we ask all of you for a contribution, so that it can become possible  the construction of twelve masonry classrooms, of which six for primary school and the same number for secondary school.
The use of terracotta bricks will have an advantage in terms of durability, resistance to bad weather and protection of the health of pupils and teachers. Furthermore, the desks that will be created will allow students to sit comfortably to follow the lessons.

It is a modestly built school complex, in the beginning the people of the village called it the "School of Sheet Metal", the classrooms were separated by tarpaulins and there were no desks available. Today the situation is improving thanks to the support of many generous people; the first 3 brick classrooms are currently under construction and a good number of students are achieving admirable results in the State exams and in the National Primary School Leaving Test (TENAFEP).

Closing message written by the coordinator of the school complex, Irène Ntagulwanguma Nyangrane:

"Avec l’aide que vous accorderez au Complexe Scolaire Marie Mère de l’Amour, c’est l’espoir de toute une population que vous ferez revivre. Nous vous garantissons une bonne utilisation de cette immeuble que vous nous aiderez à construire et la protection des meubles qui y seront placés. Nous comptons à votre bonne volonté et d’ores et déjà, nous vous exprimons notre gratitude anticipée."

English translation:
"With the help you will give to the Marie Mère de l'Amour School Complex, you will revive the hope of an entire population. We guarantee you the good use of this building that you will help us build and the protection of the furnishings that will be placed there. We are counting on your good will and we already express our gratitude in anticipation."


One of the three classrooms under construction in masonry.
Updates on the evolution of the situation will be published on this page.
If you want to donate Click here.

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